How do we Accommodate these Changes?
There are many other perspectives one can apply to the texts studied here, and to the millions of others available. The critical, negative perspective does not necessarily sentence these texts to the dustbin. However, it is necessary for teachers to allow the second interpretation to be made, and to adjust a teaching plan accordingly. This change in thinking about the teaching of text is the biggest change that must be made we must allow all our texts to be criticised. Otherwise, critical literacy cannot occur.
In order to be critical, we should detach ourselves from each text - even if it is our favourite ever book. Perhaps it's a good idea to avoid an adored book if you don't wish your favourite book to be the subject of a postmodern tearing down by students. Or, alteratively, if you can see the flaws and successes of a great text, then it is perfect for this critical literacy. Either way, it calls for a new approach.
Now, Questions we can ask when choosing to do Critical Literacy in relation to a text choice.
1. Why was the text created?
2. What was the author thinking of when he / she wrote it?
3. Does it have boring bits?
4. What would a selection of your 15 year old students think of it?
5. Are the messages pertinent for our culture, or are many still stuck with the culture of the text?
6. When all is said and done, will a majority of students enjoy the text, thus making it easier for them to go deeper into it?
Ask away.