Deconstructing the Change Statement
The following is an identification of keywords in the Area of Study and Change statements.
Area of Study
In the Area of Study, students explore and examine relationships between language and text, and interrelationships among texts. They examine closely the individual qualities of texts while considering the texts relationships to the wider context of the Area of Study. They synthesise ideas to clarify meaning and develop new meanings. They take into account whether aspects such as context, purpose and register, text structures, stylistic features, grammatical features and vocabulary are appropriate to the particular text.
Explore Discuss in detail the implications of relationships.
Examine Analyse in deconstructive and literary detail.
Language and text How language constructs meaning in text.
Interrelationships The many levels of connections between texts.
Individual qualities How good each text is at delivering messages.
Wider context How the text relates to the concept of Change.
Synthesise clarify Bring together the ideas of how the texts relate to the concept of change into a clear written form.
Develop new Give some opinions of your own.
Language features Bring in discussion of this language use.
Area of Study: Change
This Area of Study requires students to explore the ways in which the notion of change is considered and expressed in and through texts. In their responses and compositions students examine, question and reflect on:
their observation and understanding of the portrayed events, people, ideas and societies that they encounter in and through the prescribed texts and texts of their own choosing related to the Area of Study
the assumptions underlying the representations of change
the ways in which they perceive the world through texts and speculate about it
the ways they consider and express their own processes of change.
They consider texts contained in the prescribed stimulus booklet Changing (Board of Studies, 1999), which offers various points of view from which the Area of Study can be introduced. They also consider at least one of the texts prescribed for study and additional texts of their own choosing.
Observation / Understanding What you observe and understand about the events of the texts studied.
Assumptions underlying The cultural, historical and social assumptions that lay behind the composition of the text.
Perceive / Speculate How you see the whole issue, and speculate why you perceive it this way.
Consider / Express your own This is more for parts 1 and 2 of the paper.
Students explore the notion of change through one of the three following focuses.